Becoming a
Host Home
Do you have a passion for helping others?
Do you have a desire to work with children or adults with disabilities?
If yes...
A Restoring Hope Host Home may be for you!
What is a Host Home?
A Host Home is when a family or individual opens their home to take in and care for a child or an adult with a developmental disability.
What do Host Homes do?
Host Homes specifically follow the individualized support plan for the individual they are supporting. The actual level of support supervision and assistance varies. During the matching process, the needs and preference of both the Host Home and individual are considered to ensure a successful placement.
Who can be a Host Home or Relief Home?
There is no standard profile for who can become a Host Home or Relief Home. Every home has varying backgrounds and unique experiences that bring them to Restoring Hope. They may be stay-at-home moms or dads, retirees desiring additional income, empty-nesters looking for a way to still make a difference, or professionals in the human services field with experience caring for individuals with disabilities. Often applicants express the desire to do something fulfilling or meaningful in their lives. There are no limitations in regards to sex, age, religion, relationship preference, or ethnic backgrounds. Each Host Home or Relief Home brings a unique option for teams to consider when pairing individuals with these families.
What is a Relief Home?
Each Host Home is allocated between 4-10 days each month when the individual they support goes to a Relief Home. A Relief Home might not have an individual with developmental disabilities living full-time in their home, but will support those individuals whenever the Host Home utilizes its relief days. One of the advantages to becoming a Relief Home is the flexibility it offers by allowing families to do as much or as little relief work as they with each month. Many Host Homes begin doing relief work until they received a full-time placement.
What are the eligibility requirements for me as a provider?
There are various eligibility requirements including, but not limited to, a high school diploma or equivalent, valid driver's license, background check, home inspection, First Aid/CPR, and Level 1 Medication Administration Certification.
What does it take for my home to qualify?
Your home must pass a site inspection completed by a Restoring Hope Program Manager and DMH (Department of Mental Health), depending on the consumer that will be in your care.
What training is required and is it offered through Restoring Hope?
Mandt training, a healthy relationship based training, is required and is recertified on an annual basis. There is no cost to these trainings. You will be scheduled for Mandt Training and notified when the training is held. First Aid/CPR and Level 1 Medication Administration Certification are also required trainings. Instructions for these trainings in your region are listed on our website. Restoring Hope does not pay for your initial First Aid/CPR and Med Aide trainings, but will pay for all recertifications once you have worked with our agency for at least 90 days. Other trainings such as Abuse & Neglect, HCBS, Positive Behavioral Supports, and Tools of Choice are online trainings. You will also be given individualized training during Orientation with a Program Manager.
Can I still work my regular job and be a Host Home provider?
Yes. We offer built-in relief options for Host Home providers, allowing great flexibility. Additionally, becoming a Host Home provides sufficient financial compensation, enabling our providers to work full-time from home.
How am I matched with a Host Home individual?
Individuals and providers are matched by our Placement Coordinator Team who work hand-in-hand with providers by sending them information, setting up meet and greets, and organized placement visits. The individual and guardian then choose the best Host Home fit once all visits have been completed. After a specific Home provider has been selected, Restoring Hope, the Host Home, and the rest of the team work together to initiate the transition.
What new expenses will I incur when a Host Home individual is placed with me?
You may experience very limited increases in expenses such as mild utility and food bill increases due to an additional person in the home. Host Homes receive a monthly check to defray any extra Room and Board expenses.
What "per diem" or rate of pay will I receive from Restoring Hope as a provider?
The rate that Restoring Hope Host Home providers receive is based upon the individual placement's level of support need. In addition to this compensation, the Host Home provider receives Room and Board check and Relief Days every month. Relief Homes are currently paid $140 per 24 hour period.
What support will I receive from Restoring Hope as a provider?
Restoring Hope supports providers through a similar model to the foster home model with added supports, built-in relief time, more substantial compensation, as well as the opportunity to attend quarterly get-togethers with other Host and Relief Home providers. Attending quarterly events provides the means to meet and talk about experiences and network with other providers in their specific region. Support team members, such as Program Managers and Family Support are always available to assist or answer questions.
How long will an individual stay with me?
The individual(s) will stay with you as long as the Host Home, the individual placement, the guardian, and DMH feel the arrangement is beneficial to everyone involved. Many clients stay with their Host Homes for years. If living arrangement is not satisfactory, then the individual will be placed in another home.
How will becoming a provider affect my life?
As a Host Home, you will assist the individual in maintaining a healthy, happy, and safe life within the home and community environment. Often times, individuals become honorary members of the provider's family. This can extend to the individuals family as well as everyone is encouraged to be involved in the individual's life and provide a strong support system. Many providers find fulfillment and a meaningful career in becoming a Host Home and we encourage them to share this incredible opportunity with others.
How will being a Host Home Provider affect how I file my taxes?
Restoring Hope contracts with all of its Host Home and Relief Home Providers. If you wish to become a Host Home or Relief Home, as a courtesy, Restoring Hope will arrange and pay for filing fees for you to become an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation), and you will receive an EIN (Employer Identification Number.) You will also sign a contractor's agreement with Restoring Hope, LLC. Since you are a contractor and not an employee, Restoring Hope will not take any taxes out of your compensation, but you will be responsible for filing your own taxes, if any, with the IRS, and you will receive a 1099 form at the end of each year. One great advantage to becoming an LLC, is that you may be able to take many more deductions on your taxes than if you were an employee. Your tax preparer can answer other questions you may have about the advantages of an LLC.

Let's Work Together
Join the Restoring Hope Family today or reach out to our Host Home Coordinator with any questions you have, starting your journey!