Veronica Snyder
Kirksville Regional Program Manager
Veronica was born and raised in Novinger, Missouri. After graduating high school in May of 1993, she married her best friend, Brek Snyder, on September 11, 1993. They have been blessed with four loving children, Dakotta, Chance, Mattison and Mayci.
In 1996 Veronica went to work for Chariton Valley Association. During her time there she worked in a four person group home, was the off-site coordinator at the residential center, the assistant lead at the group home, and held the lead position at a two person ISL until God directed her toward Restoring Hope. On March 1, 2012 she and her family became a host home for Restoring Hope.
The Snyder family opened their home to a very special young man. Since becoming a host family, Veronica has had the opportunity to watch Kirksville Restoring Hope family grow from our make-shift office in the local McDonald’s lobby to an actual office location in Kirksville. Veronica’s hard work has been integral to the company’s growth in the Kirksville area, and for that reason she has been entrusted with a position as the Regional Program Manager of Kirksville. They recently started doing foster care for individuals with Children’s Division. Veronica says that she may not have a college degree, but the people she supports have taught her more than any school ever could.